
Troubleshooting and known issues with AlbumFiler.

Known Issues

Frequently Asked Questions

Why aren't my smart albums appearing in AlbumFiler?

Currently, AlbumFiler does not display user-generated smart albums. This is because PhotoKit, Apple's framework for developers to work with Photos doesn't have a public way to retrieve this information. While smart albums can be retrieved via AppleScript, the process to get them takes time which impacts the overall performance and responsiveness of AlbumFiler.

The workaround is to group all of your smart albums into a folder. Then, in AlbumFiler, search for that folder and click the button to show it in Photos.

Will you make an iOS version of AlbumFiler?

tl;dr: No.

Photos on iOS and iPadOS does not offer the same level of extension that macOS Photos provides. For instance, it is not possible to programmatically open an album on iOS or iPadOS. As a result, it is currently impossible to integrate core AlbumFiler capabilities in the mobile version of Photos.

Last updated