Action Menu
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The action menu is located next to the search field in the AlbumFiler window. It provides quick access to commonly used settings and reveals additional actions.
These options toggle frequently used settings in AlbumFiler:
Keep AlbumFiler open after performing action: Enable this when searching through multiple albums and folders.
Pressing Enter always performs default action: Enable this to perform the default action when pressing Enter from the search field. If disabled, pressing Enter will move focus to the results table.
Focus on search on activation: Enable this to always return to the search field when returning back to AlbumFiler.
Ignore path when matching: AlbumFiler will ignore the folder or album path and only search on the name of the folder or album.
Import Files to (album name): Shows an open dialog, allowing you to choose media to import into the designated album.
Add selected media items to (mailbox name): Adds the selected media items in Photos to the designated album.
Toggle Favorite Flag in Selected Media: Toggles the favorite flag in the selected media items in Photos.
Add (album/folder) to Favorites: Adds the designated item to the favorites list.
Show Album/Folder: Opens the selected album or folder in Photos.
Remove (album/folder) From Favorites: Removes the designated item from the favorite list.
Clear Recent Items: Removes all entries from the Recent Items list.
New Album: Creates a new album.
New Folder: Creates a new folder.
Reload: Reload the list of items from Photos.
Purchase: Open the Purchase window. This menu option does not appear if you are on a subscription plan or have purchased the Lifetime Unlock.
Settings: Opens the AlbumFiler Settings window.
About AlbumFiler: Opens the AlbumFiler window.
Visit Website: Opens a browser to
Quit: Quits the AlbumFiler application.